Sun ☉ : ♏︎
Moon ☾ : ♒︎
Ascendant ⇡ : ♋︎
Mercury ☿ : ♎︎
Venus ♀ : ♎︎
Earth ⊕ : ♉︎
Mars ♂ : ♑︎
Ceres ⚳ : ♑︎
Jupiter ♃ : ♋︎
Saturn ♄ : ♊︎
Uranus ♅ : ♒︎
Neptune ♆ : ♒︎
Pluto ♇ : ♐︎
Lunar Node ☋ : ♊︎
Chiron ⚷ : ♐︎
Lilith ⚸ : ♓︎
AC: Cancer
2: Leo
3: Virgo
IC: Libra
5: Scorpio
6: Sagittarius
DC: Capricorn
8: Aquarius
9: Pisces
MC: Aries
11: Taurus
12: Gemini
Scorpio Sun
Aquarius Moon
Cancer Ascendant
Element: Water
Ruler: Pluto
Quality: Fixed

Keywords: ambitious, intense, vengeful, obsessive, passionate
Element: Air
Ruler: Uranus
Quality: Fixed

Keywords: observant, eccentric, distant, soothing, egotistical
About: "With the Moon in the conceptual and humanitarian sign of Aquarius, you are likely to be a unique and somewhat progressive individual. There may be something about you that somehow “separates” you from everybody else. "
About: "Born with the Sun in Scorpio, your journey is likely to involve learning through transformation and change. You are here to experience power and see how power operates through life. You may see this process in yourself or other people, and can develop great strength through constant cycles of crisis and regeneration."
About: "Born with Cancer on your Ascendant (or Rising), self-realization comes through a sophisticated attunement to your highly developed feeling nature. You make sense of life through instinct and emotion."
Element: Water
Ruler: Moon
Quality: Cardinal

Keywords: maternal, insecure, compassionate, domestic, moody
Birth Cards
The Wheel is restless, driven to move ceaselessly from place to place, from drama to drama. At once actor and audience, it is simultaneously involved and detached. At the mercy of what it cannot foresee or prevent, it alternates between exhilaration and lassitude, high spirits and depression, good and bad fortune. Aware of the patterns and repetitions that link seemingly random events, it is unimpressed by them and is capable of patience. The motto of The Wheel is "Wheeee!" The job of The Wheel is to enjoy, both the intensity of the unpredictable moment and the serenity of grand and dependable cycles.
The Magician
The Magician makes things appear and disappear like rabbits out of a hat. With focused awareness and skill, he opens up possibilities and closes them. Graceful, eloquent and logical, he charms the willing and persuades the unwilling. Armed with unbending intent, he approaches obstacles with serene confidence and faith in his powers. His motto is "I will," and he discounts the possibility of failure. The job of The Magician is to make intention into reality, no matter how unlikely or improbable, and in the process, to amaze all who watch him do it.
The Lord of the Forces of Life
Card Number: 10
Key Number: 21
Rulership: Jupiter
Hebrew Letter: Kaph
Translation: Hand
Numerical Value: 9
Astrological Associations: Uranus

* How do you view change in your life?
* Are you flowing with the changes around you, or are you fighting them?
* Can you see how your actions brought you to where you are at this point in time?
* Are the changes in your life broadening your perspective?
The Magnus of Power
Card Number: 1
Key Number: 12
Rulership: Mercury
Hebrew Letter: Beth
Translation: House
Numerical Value: 9
Astrological Associations: Mercury

* What skills and abilities do you carry?
* What are your goals?
* Are you clear about your goals?
* How do you communicate with others?
* Where are you focusing your energy?
* What wisdom do you wish to share?

Natal Chart
The Wheel of Fortune
Last Updated: 5/11/21
The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry lifetime after lifetime.
Fire: 1 | Water: 8 | Air: 16 | Earth: 2
Moon: 19 | Mercury: 17 | Venus: 20